Wednesday, 22 April 2015

The curious case of compulsory feminism

have been planning to write this piece on the  infamous “My Choice” viral video starring Deepika Padukone for sometime now. Numerous spoofs (it even had a dog version) later, the hullabaloo has finally died down. It might be a lil late to talk about it, but again it’s my blog and my choice ..ya right :-)

So coming back to the video, starring a bunch of ladies having a bad hair day(or is it Migraine? ) making proclamations about the choices they have. The target audience, ladies and gentlemen is the latter addressed category. Personally, I have problem with few of the ‘choices’ mentioned in the video. And some of the statements don’t make any sense whatsoever.  For eg:

“I am the snowflake of the snowfall and you are the snowflake” - Excuse me?

 “Don’t be fooled if I come home at 6 PM” – Gasp Gasp..  And face palm

 “My choice – to love temporarily or lust forever” + ”My love for you cannot be replaced” – Will you make up your mind please?

The last statement is proof that the video has got a serious identity crisis. It is like those people who try to be hip by following the latest fashion trends and end up as pathetic wannabes.

A chic black and white video, some disconnected “bold” statements and a popular face to bring in some drama is all that you need for women empowerment? True, the world does have its share of MCPs, but my humble opinion is that there is no need to declare a war against them to proclaim your empowerment. Simply ignoring them works most of the time.  I don’t think truly empowered women run around in tousled hair, pointing fingers declaring their empowerment. C’mon, we have better things to do!!

Why not go out there, do something for the cause, then shoot a video about it? It should be all about making the “right choice”.

Friday, 17 April 2015

The disorder of the order..OCD


They are everywhere. You meet them everyday and they look like normal people. You should closely watch them to identify the difference.Having had the good "fortune" of being a friend/colleague of few people with the obsessive compulsive disorder, I can identify one from miles away. With some practice, you too can do the same. Here are some tips that could help you with it..

:-) They cannot survive without their to-do lists,reminders & checklists. Dont dare to check their  phone even by mistake,unless you want to put yourself in danger of serious nervous breakdown .Sample reminders/checklists - " brush teeth" , "take bath - thrice" , etc..

:-)  If you are travelling with them, your whole journey is sorted.They will have min 3 copies of tickets and all other documents(of the entire team) kept in 3 different bags. They will pack food and other supplies to last an entire year for a small family. The "3 different bags" is a reality, even if you are travelling for a week's time. Sometimes they will have an additional bag squeezed in somewhere inside one of those 3 bags..just in case..

:-) Dont offer to clean up their stuff.They are anyways going to clean it once more after you are done. Nobody cleans better than them

:-) They will always check,cross-check,re-check and RE-RE-CHECK . Dont take offense, just ignore

:-) If you have an OCD person in the team, always always follow the process

:-) Plan A,Plan B and Plan C are a given, and they would have usually thought about D,E & F as well

:-) Their neatly stacked verses your  "neatly piled" wardrobe would always give you an inferiority complex. The cloth stacks are usually found to be in a straight line & colour coordinated with equal distance between the stacks

:-) They will usually have the most spic and span households.They will happily spend a long weekend on cleaning, mopping,organizing the wardrobe etc.. One thing out of place, and the hell breaks loose!!

In short if you have an OCD spouse, God bless your soul..

Pic courtesy:

Sunday, 12 April 2015

Vacation colours

Hello dearies..Wanted to share with u the happy news that I got promoted to 1 A from PP2A. Though technically I dont understand why it is called a 'promotion', since I  have lost a PP and a 1 , just 1A remains. Anyways, the good thing is that now I will officially be a 'chechi' to all those irrelevant kids in PP1 and PP2 .Ha, take that you dumboss...

Vacations have begun, and I have been trying to find options to keep myself busy. Last week, I found a hidden treasure!!!.. A set of 5 bright colored nail polishes that Amma had kept hidden from me for a while now. As usual she freaked out when she found me coming out of the room with a handful of nail polish bottles. It took some effort from me to convince her to let me keep them all for a while under two conditions..I wouldn't try applying them anywhere else other than my nails..and I wouldn't try on more than one color at a time. It was fine with me too, since I had kept aside a set of color pens that Dada had bought me last week . Color pens and nail polish are a good combination I tell you..Even if Amma manage to remove the nail polish the color of the pens would stay on(wink,wink..)

Misfortune strikes , and one of the bottles fell down from the table when I was trying to rearrange them, creating a beautiful brown design on the floor. It was really beautiful if you ask me , covering the entire area below the Dining table. But I was not sure whether Amma would like it. There was no point hiding it. So without much ado, I broke the news to her.I made special efforts to assert and insist that  it is no fault of mine. She came running and stood there analyzing the situation, her mouth opening and closing like the gold fish in our aquarium. I looked helplessly at Bapu, hoping that he would help me.

Bapu to the rescue.Before Amma could start her tirade, Bapu started scolding her for giving me the nail polish bottles.Meanwhile I quietly slipped out of there and got back to watching Pogo. Amma started looking around for nail polish remover to clean up the mess. I was not sure whether she was referring to the blue liquid that I had found along with the nail polish botttles, which I had safely kept away  in my secret location. I kept quiet. I wanted that bottle for some other experiments. Amma couldn't find the remover(obviously), and  she started trying other available options..harpic, glass cleaner, brass polish..nothing worked it seems and she was getting even more frustrated.

For some strange reason, she was pissed off that I had no regrets in creating the mess. Then she asked me to help her clean up.I tried to make her understand that I am a kid and making me work would make God angry and he would punish her.She looked at me incredulously,shook her head and got back to the task at hand. She was giving me dirty looks in between.I was hoping that Dada would come  and rescue me soon.


Dada did manage to pacify Amma once he came in. Next day we bought two bottles of nail polish remover and Amma managed to clean it up. These mothers I tell you, get worked up so much at times.I should have closed the bottle properly.Amma seized the bottles from me and 'hid' them behind her ornament box in the small drawer in our wardrobe.  She thought I was busy with pogo, but I was not(evil grin) . Taking them out immediately may not be a good idea, I would advice myself to put that  off till next week.The TV stand is too plain, and badly in need of some colorful designs.Maybe I should keep that as a surprise for Mom when she comes back from Office next week. Will keep you guys posted :)

with lotsa luv,