Wednesday, 22 April 2015

The curious case of compulsory feminism

have been planning to write this piece on the  infamous “My Choice” viral video starring Deepika Padukone for sometime now. Numerous spoofs (it even had a dog version) later, the hullabaloo has finally died down. It might be a lil late to talk about it, but again it’s my blog and my choice ..ya right :-)

So coming back to the video, starring a bunch of ladies having a bad hair day(or is it Migraine? ) making proclamations about the choices they have. The target audience, ladies and gentlemen is the latter addressed category. Personally, I have problem with few of the ‘choices’ mentioned in the video. And some of the statements don’t make any sense whatsoever.  For eg:

“I am the snowflake of the snowfall and you are the snowflake” - Excuse me?

 “Don’t be fooled if I come home at 6 PM” – Gasp Gasp..  And face palm

 “My choice – to love temporarily or lust forever” + ”My love for you cannot be replaced” – Will you make up your mind please?

The last statement is proof that the video has got a serious identity crisis. It is like those people who try to be hip by following the latest fashion trends and end up as pathetic wannabes.

A chic black and white video, some disconnected “bold” statements and a popular face to bring in some drama is all that you need for women empowerment? True, the world does have its share of MCPs, but my humble opinion is that there is no need to declare a war against them to proclaim your empowerment. Simply ignoring them works most of the time.  I don’t think truly empowered women run around in tousled hair, pointing fingers declaring their empowerment. C’mon, we have better things to do!!

Why not go out there, do something for the cause, then shoot a video about it? It should be all about making the “right choice”.