Friday, 17 April 2015

The disorder of the order..OCD


They are everywhere. You meet them everyday and they look like normal people. You should closely watch them to identify the difference.Having had the good "fortune" of being a friend/colleague of few people with the obsessive compulsive disorder, I can identify one from miles away. With some practice, you too can do the same. Here are some tips that could help you with it..

:-) They cannot survive without their to-do lists,reminders & checklists. Dont dare to check their  phone even by mistake,unless you want to put yourself in danger of serious nervous breakdown .Sample reminders/checklists - " brush teeth" , "take bath - thrice" , etc..

:-)  If you are travelling with them, your whole journey is sorted.They will have min 3 copies of tickets and all other documents(of the entire team) kept in 3 different bags. They will pack food and other supplies to last an entire year for a small family. The "3 different bags" is a reality, even if you are travelling for a week's time. Sometimes they will have an additional bag squeezed in somewhere inside one of those 3 bags..just in case..

:-) Dont offer to clean up their stuff.They are anyways going to clean it once more after you are done. Nobody cleans better than them

:-) They will always check,cross-check,re-check and RE-RE-CHECK . Dont take offense, just ignore

:-) If you have an OCD person in the team, always always follow the process

:-) Plan A,Plan B and Plan C are a given, and they would have usually thought about D,E & F as well

:-) Their neatly stacked verses your  "neatly piled" wardrobe would always give you an inferiority complex. The cloth stacks are usually found to be in a straight line & colour coordinated with equal distance between the stacks

:-) They will usually have the most spic and span households.They will happily spend a long weekend on cleaning, mopping,organizing the wardrobe etc.. One thing out of place, and the hell breaks loose!!

In short if you have an OCD spouse, God bless your soul..

Pic courtesy:

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